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Activities for Kids

Activities for Kids, Jace, Walker

Jace’s Baby Walker

Jace has been cracking me up lately. And also melting my heart. At church last week, the ladies in Jace’s Sunday school class let him take home the baby he’d been playing with, which he had named “Baby Walker.” And ever since, it’s been his favorite little companion around the house. He’s quite the motherly type .. changing his diaper when I change Walker’s, he entertains him by playing with him, puts him in the boba, rocks him to sleeps, shhhhhs him, feeds him, bathes him … even BREASTFEEDS him. hahahahaha So funny. I had to remind him that boys don’t have milk in their boobs >D

Activities for Kids, Cher Joy

Around here lately

Oh, hi. Coming back to share a few things that brought me joy last week. One being Mother’s Day. Although the day was spent running around celebrating our Moms around town, I was still fortunate enough to enjoy all the travel time with my boys.  Here are some blurry shots of me with my sweethearts!

I’ve also been enjoying Walker’s chubby thighs. I just want to bite them! Instead I kiss them all day long. So deilcious. 

Rob and I had our first date night last week, too. We went to a Rours and Pours event at the Phoenix Zoo .. it was such a beautiful night and my first time just strolling the zoo without having to run after Jace face. I think Rob and I are going to need more regularly planned date nights, now that we have two kiddos to wrestle. It’s so important! 

We have a hummingbird nest in our backyard that Rob has been obsessing over – Mr. birdwatcher that one – and he even captured some up close pictures of the Momma and babies. Too cute. We definitely can’t go without documenting this fun day, staring at the hummingbirds one Sunday.

I always love doing little art projects with Jace, to keep his mind exercised in some way! This one lasted like 5 minutes, but it was fun all the while! Jace gets pretty excited about any activity or project we give him, which just melts my heart. I’m also loving Jace’s new Daddy-style hair cut .. !

The Arizona heat is here just about so we’re trying to prep ourselves with pool time and early day plans. Then we walk into our cooled house where we keep it at around 73 degrees >D Hope you’re having a nice week in your parts!

Activities for Kids, Home, Jace

My little streaker

IMG_3315 IMG_3316 IMG_3317Yesterday we spent some time at one of our favorite parks down by Papago, and got pretty sweaty. When we got home we brought out the lawn sprinkler for Jace and to our surprise, he got quickly undressed (we convinced him to keep his undies on) and started running circles around our front yard. No fear that one. I can’t believe how tall and lengthy he’s getting. Love him so much. And his little ninja turtle undies:)

Happy Sunday ya’ll!

Activities for Kids, Friends, Jace, Scottsdale

The Giants game with Jace

IMG_3159 We took our birthday boy to a Giants game this past Sunday – and what an awesome time we had. Some serious memory making! We even invited his bestest friends in the world to come – Stella from daycare (his girrrrrlfriend) and James, my friend Sarah’s little boy that he completely looks up to! Plus the parents, so even better for us. We went for the bleacher seats so Jace could see more of the game and it worked out great. A little warm, but we got some shade where we were, and there was the occasional breeze (why do I always talk about the weather? haha Must be something I get from my Dad).  Momma even got a root beer float! We sure do love our friends the Andersons, and Stella’s Mom and Dad. We couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Good friends and a good game! I think Jace loved every minute of his birthday gift. Here are the lovebirds together ;) Every time Stella gives Jace a hug she tries to pick him up all the way. It’s the cutest thing.

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Activities for Kids, Jace

Family day at Wheeler’s Drop a Tot

wheelers-drop-a-tot-arcadia-arizonaOur  home daycare provider, Wheeler’s Drop-a-Tot (a.k.a. Veronica:)), hosted a little Family Fun day for all the kids and us parents this past weekend. It was such a good time! We snacked on carna asada tacos and fruit, mingled with the other parents and watched our kiddos play for a couple hours. All the kids know each other so well and love to play together. And Jace especially liked seeing his girlfriend Stella ;) The play center by Supertots Veronica rented out was pretty awesome, too. Great for birthday parties. We sure do love Veronica and her girls and the whole group. I can’t explain how comforting it is to see all our kids play together and also talk with their parents about the same things we’re going through, to share stories and laugh at each other (and who am I kidding, at our kids, too!) Thanks, Veronica for having us all over. It was such a special day!

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