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It rained non-stop for 6 days

Never have I lived somewhere where it’s rained for 6 days straight. Well here in Santa Cruz, it has. And unfortunately, I realized I had not one umbrella OR close-toed shoe to tackle the rain in. Now I can’t stop thinking about rain boots and wishing my budget allowed me to purchase some. When I can, I may go with one of the following:

Hunter regular or the Huntress (like Katniss perhaps?) in coral, red or navy







Should I try this with Tacoma?

This golden is the cutest thing! On a brighter note, the sun has decided to come out this week, so I should be in the clear. No more cold toesies!

Do you wear rain boots? If so, what’s your favorite brand/color? Please share!

Aptos, Lately

From my view

We still don’t have internet so I’m sitting with Rob in Starbucks, watching it rain and hail outside – sipping on a skinny carmel mach – and catching up on all my favorite blogs. We’ve been here two weeks and absolutely love it. Riley was with us this week for his Spring Break so we tried to show him a good time. More on that to come! For friends and fam, here’s what it looks like from my point-of-view lately…(until the rain came).






If it’s nice out, you’ll find us at the beach.


Lately in the Johannes household

This past week and weekend has been a total whirlwind for us. Me, cramming in as much time as possible with friends & family and packing; Robby, shoring up his job situation for California and being my saving grace throughout all of this.

I really must say that garage sales and Craig’s List are brilliant. We sold SO much last week, which has really put us ahead. However, I almost cried when someone carted away our ping-pong table.

In other updates, Lucy is officially starting her bikini diet (great idea, Steph!). She is a little plumpy right now, so I’ve cut her food intake and have her on a strict walking regimen.

Rob says this is her sexy face.

Tacoma went in for his first grooming and mani/pedi this morning at Petsmart. I got him a toy for his good behavior and the sweetheart that he is shared it with Lucy.


Until she was over it.

I used this morning to do our change of address, packed up a few last things and planned out our general itinerary. I also noticed while packing that I’m not the best speller:

With all my down time lately I’ve been reflecting a lot on how amazing and hilarious my friends are. How each have carved a special place in my heart forever. I am truly so happy when I’m around them and don’t know what I’m going to do without them!!! You know who you are!! I also couldn’t have done this move without my parents, who have been so willing to help us pack and sell things – fix bubblers, pack food for the road and lend us some things we really need. They’re really the best and I’m going to miss them terribly.

Am feeling anxious and really sad all at the same time. I think it’s a good thing though. No regrets. Well, until Wednesday, I’m going to go enjoy this beautiful, breezy Arizona weather… Santa Cruz, here we come!

Lately, Life

It’s a SHORE thing

I have news! No, I’m not pregnant! My husband and I are moving! I was offered a Marketing Manager position in Santa Cruz, California… and I accepted! Moving to California has been a little dream of ours for a long time and magically, everything recently fell into place! I can remember, 4 years ago in our first year of marriage, we told ourselves we’d be in California in 5 years. And look at us! We made it in 4!


(Photo by Heather Wilhelm via Found in the Central Coast)

I’m going to miss my family and friends more than anything, but for some reason, this move just feels right. You only live once and we’re ready to take on this adventure together. To get back to us and discover what God has is store for us and for our marriage. We’re flying out this weekend to look for places – I’m so excited! I saw a really beautiful quote this week that has set my heart at ease throughout all of this, since I’ve been sort of a wreck. It may calm your heart, too if you’re dealing with distance:

“Distance is nothing when two people are close with their hearts. Emotional closeness conquers physical closeness any day.”

January is flying

I can’t believe it’s already mid January! Time flies when you’re having fun. Lately I’ve been living up to my 2012 aspirations. I’m super proud. Instead of dancing in my car, I’m using that time to talk to God. It’s rather freeing.

Working out 5 days a week is a great feeling. I’m using our erase board calendar as my Fitness Calendar!

Finding peace each day has been more of a challenge. It’s somewhere between eating Cheez-its on my couch,  watching old episodes of Friends or climbing into bed at night with Harry Potter. The little things, right!?

And most of all, I think I’m already more thoughtful. I’ve already purchased one of my Valentine’s Day surprises for Rob and am also getting ahead on some special 30th birthday gifts for my cousins.

Trust me, you won’t be getting this kind of update every week, but I’m excited at my start to the year and hope this momentum lasts!

In other updates, there’s been a lot of coffee on the run in plastic cups.

I’ve also been thinking about getting a new pair of eye glasses and a new hairstyle, maybe something like this.

Hope your 2012 is off to a good start, too!