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Baby J, Pregnancy

Third trimester

Things are getting a little uncomfortable around here. I’m feeling super pregnant. I miss the days, when I was only tired. Because now it’s a challenge to even get out of bed, move from one side to the next in bed, go up stairs, or even just walk. There is some serious pain/pressure down there. Some of the tiredness is back but now I don’t feel as mobile, or flexible. Never thought I’d be waddling, but I am. No more kickboxing for me at this point.  My body does not look or feel the same; I actually feel rather helpless with what’s happening to me. Somehow my skin has stretched enough to hold this little guy {which is still mind-boggling to me}. Those early months where I felt nothing now seems like years ago — because this baby is moving around. All the time. Especially when I lie down for bed at night, he decides to come alive. Which tickles the crap out of me! Looking back, though, I’ve been blessed with a very good pregnancy. It’s just now that my emotions are coming out with every ache and pain. Little glimpses of what birth will be like I’m sure. I just want to see our little boy. I hate surprises, and I feel like this whole pregnancy has been a total tease. Ultrasounds don’t show anything. The 3Ds are freakish. So, I have to wait to see him. I’m getting impatient. Well, until then, I’ll settle for his little bops and hiccups. On the bright side, here’s what’s been keeping me going this last trimester:


{my pregnancy pillow from Bump Nest – thank you, Heather!}
{currently reading this book}
{comfy slippers – I even wear to work sometimes}
{I could eat chocolate chip cookies & milk all day}
{Stool softener. Again, don’t ask}
{chamomile tea, yum}
{COLD, orange juice every morning}
Baby J, Pregnancy

It’s starting to feel real

well, this baby thing is starting to finally feel real. We’ve toured the hospitals, selected a facility, finished our child birthing classes, found a day care, will be attending a breastfeeding workshop, scheduled our car seat inspection, selected a pediatrician, and wrote our birth plan. Our nursery is full of goodies. I have all the books and swaddle blankets and white noise makers a mommy-to-be could ask for. Some days I feel myself, some days I don’t. Probably because I know I’m going to be a little different in 2014. I’m going to give birth, and breastfeed {what?!}, and take time off from work {me, not work?! And not be traveling with time off?!!}.  I’m going to have a baby. I’m going to be a mother. My mom even said it when I kissed her goodbye after my shower: “When I see you next you’re going to be a mother”, with tears in her eyes, then tears in my eyes. In that moment I panicked a little bit and realized how different things are going to be. Priorities are going to change. I’m going to change. It’s scary, and overwhelming, and exciting, all at the same time. I’m 4 weeks away from meeting my next adventure. I wonder what he’ll look like, this little thing growing inside me {and pushing down on my pelvis}. Will he be healthy? Will he have dimples? Will he be less than 9 lbs {I hope!!}? So, what are my goals for 2014? . .  to not lose myself and embrace motherhood with the same level of happiness and energy that I carry with me in everything I do. Boom. 2 simple, yet important goals I’m putting in front of myself for 2014.


{I went all around town in this Coors Light shirt with a loose flannel before I realized how white-trash
I must have looked, pregnant and promoting Coors. hahahahaha}
Aptos, Baby J, Pregnancy

Sunset walk

Our weekend was pretty uneventful. Rob made a new friend, we did some yard work. Sat by the fire at night, bought a pumpkin pie. Did some reading. It was absolutely marvelous. I decided I needed some exercise so we wrapped up our weekend with a sunset walk, with some stair-stepping!


{my plumeria plant doesn’t want to live. Too cold here!}
{I found a gorgeous flower garden down the road from us, in someone’s backyard! Jealous.}




{my rad lover ;) }



{28 week bump . .}
Baby J, Pregnancy

Our date night for the next 6 weeks

We started our mindful child birthing class this week, and I’m already in a better place, mentally, about giving birth. The class is centered around stress-reduction and mindfulness. We all gather on pillows and mats on the floor at Luma Yoga & Family Center {a beautiful studio}, lead by Roxanne Cummings. It’s exactly what I pictured when I thought of a birthing class. But better. We even meditate. I’m taking in every ounce of information. The book we’re all reading together is called Every Day Blessings {which I’m adding to the other 8 books I’m reading simultaneously right now}. Homework involves practicing mindful thinking and reading. I could definitely benefit from some more mindfulness. All of a sudden I’m overly sensitive about everything and anything, so I need mindfulness now more than ever. I’ll try to snap some pictures while we’re in class. There are 13 other expecting parents — all with their own unique stories and birth plans. We’re heading into the last trimester now and I expect to grow a lot in the next couple of months. Ah!

Did you take a child birthing class when you were expecting your first?