Blackberry season is upon us here in Santa Cruz and we are loving it. There are literally vines galore in our little Rio Del Mar neighborhood. And I’m pretty much convinced that wild blackberries truly taste the best; they’re so flavorful and juicy. My mouth is watering just thinking about a freshly picked blackberry in my mouth. Lol! They also make for a fun activity for the kids; it’s just one more thing we love to do outside during this beautiful California summer.
Our favorite thing to make is blackberry muffins. Jace requests it after every blueberry picking outing. I have no time for going the homemade route, either, so I usually just go with a krusteaz muffin box mix and substitute the blueberries for blackberries. Mix and bake and 22 minutes later, our muffins are ready. My only tip is to pack the mix FULL of blackberries. Go crazy. The more the better in my opinion. I like my muffins like I like my cookie dough ice cream – more is more.
Walker likes to sneak in some mouthfuls beforehand of course. Such a piglet that one!
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