Well, I’m officially in the 30 club, and I couldn’t be happier. Turning 30 isn’t that scary. Everyone tells me that your 30s are your best yet. So, bring it on world! My girls at work helped me rein in my 30th with a wonderful, Fall-themed celebration. Have I ever mentioned how much I love working with graphic designers and creatives? They really bring their “A” game on birthdays. Flowers, apple cider, almond scones, homemade chili with cornbread, pulled-pork sandwiches and pumpkin-spiced cupcakes. I had gifts galore to open — lots of comfy things to wear for Fall, a cutesy kit for Fall, a washi tape dispense {!!}, a great shoulder bag and $ for shoes!
Then I came home to more gifts from family and friends. Lots of comfy things and smelly things {which I love!}. I have so many wonderful people in my life. God has definitely blessed with a great network of people, and I couldn’t be more grateful. I really don’t deserve all these amazing people! Thank you to all who remembered my birthday. I love you!
1 Comment
Someone was spoiled for their 30th ;)