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Jace Face Friday is backkkk

Snapped this shot of Jace at Rob’s basketball game 2 weeks ago. Guess he’s too cool to sit with Mom. But he’s also really into watching Daddy play ball, and yells “Daddy!” from across the gym .. just to tell him that the buzzer hurts his ears and that he hates it >D Jace so wants to get out there and play. One day!

Jace, jaceface

Happy birthday Jace

My first born turned 4 today and my heart is tight with emotion. Once a chubby, curly haired babe, is now a skinny, bony preschooler. Crazy to see how fast time really goes by when you see it on your own children. It’s really the saddest most sweetest experience ever. Although I mourn his baby years, I’m also so excited for what the future holds for this little boy. Because that’s truly what he is still. Little. Right now he loves his family time so much, almost too much. He still comes up to me asking for hugs, and wants nothing more than to cuddle and play toys. He loves dessert and Target and holding hands as he falls asleep, and peeking at his lunch after I pack it. The other night I got Walker down for bed earlier than usual and was able to run a bath for Jace all by himself. I sat by the tub like I always do and started playing with his spaceship toys. He looked at me and said, “you’re going to play with me”? In that moment I realized I don’t have enough one on one time with my first anymore. All the hustle and bustle of the every day and wrangling Walker in and out of the bath usually at the same time, I guess I don’t play one on one as much as I used to with Jace. And you know what, he deserves some alone time, where he feels like the only child again. Or at least alone time with me! Thanks for helping me see that my darling. Well, happy birthday to our Jace Face, our sweetheart. Your heart is going to move mountains, I just know it.


Jace’s first day of preschool

Well, my first born is off to preschool! Today was his first day. And even though I was super nervous about dropping him at a new school, to meet new friends with new teachers, Jace took the lead and had no fear in taking on the first day. He even wanted to preview the lunch I packed for him (which is seriously so much fun). After we put all his goodies in his cubby, he was ready to go and didn’t even say bye to me. Thankfully I snapped some pictures at home before we left. And jeez, could this kid be any more of a Daddy’s boy?! When I picked him up his teacher said he was a little shy and only cried once but overall a great first day. When we got home he said he wanted to watch a movie and cuddle and my heart just about burst. He said he cried because he wanted me. Such a little boy still and I love it. I hope he warms up to all the other kids, there were a lot so I can understand him feeling overwhelmed. Only day one so we’ll see how the rest of the week goes. I’m sad now being away from him all day but know he’s learning lots. I think every day will feel long for the both of us.


Activities for Kids, Jace, Walker

Jace’s Baby Walker

Jace has been cracking me up lately. And also melting my heart. At church last week, the ladies in Jace’s Sunday school class let him take home the baby he’d been playing with, which he had named “Baby Walker.” And ever since, it’s been his favorite little companion around the house. He’s quite the motherly type .. changing his diaper when I change Walker’s, he entertains him by playing with him, puts him in the boba, rocks him to sleeps, shhhhhs him, feeds him, bathes him … even BREASTFEEDS him. hahahahaha So funny. I had to remind him that boys don’t have milk in their boobs >D

Activities for Kids, Friends, Jace, Scottsdale

The Giants game with Jace

IMG_3159 We took our birthday boy to a Giants game this past Sunday – and what an awesome time we had. Some serious memory making! We even invited his bestest friends in the world to come – Stella from daycare (his girrrrrlfriend) and James, my friend Sarah’s little boy that he completely looks up to! Plus the parents, so even better for us. We went for the bleacher seats so Jace could see more of the game and it worked out great. A little warm, but we got some shade where we were, and there was the occasional breeze (why do I always talk about the weather? haha Must be something I get from my Dad).  Momma even got a root beer float! We sure do love our friends the Andersons, and Stella’s Mom and Dad. We couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Good friends and a good game! I think Jace loved every minute of his birthday gift. Here are the lovebirds together ;) Every time Stella gives Jace a hug she tries to pick him up all the way. It’s the cutest thing.

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