Cher Joy, Favorites


If you ever need a pick-me-up or reminder of what life’s all about {and if you’re on Instagram, which I’m sure you are, because who isn’t?!}, visit the hashtag #soincrediblyhappy. There is so much happiness to look at — engagements, places, food, friends, books, husbands, babies, puppies {!}, music . . . the list goes on. There is so much love out there in the world. Reminds me how genuinely good people are. My happiest moment this week was making homemade chicken noodle soup and listening to Kacey Musgraves, while baby boy slept. I’m so beyond blessed and am more motivated than ever to share more love with others, be a better person, a better wife, a better sister, a better friend, a better daughter, a good mom. Just better! So, next time you find yourself so incredibly happy, over anything or anyone . . remember to use the hashtag #soincrediblyhappy. It’s sort of like a special club ;) I’m going to go stare at my son some more now . . . my newest ”happy” place!

{yes, this is what I’m doing at 4am — looking at all these random happy people, hahaha}
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