In case I haven’t really said it – I’m pregnant again and now 30 weeks along already! I may have thought my second pregnancy was a whirlwind but this one is taking the cake. Well, first off, we weren’t really planning for this one, it was a total oopsie on our part. After the first pregnancy test I took in September, the first words out of my mouth were literally What. The. f%#k. But as the weeks went on and the morning sickness faded, we started accepting the inevitable and started envisioning what a three-kid household would look like. Like, we’re going to have to squeeze another crib into our 2-bedroom California rental, and trade our sporty 4Runner in for something that fits 3 car seats (yes, that means a van for me). And above all, just 3 months after having Walker I’d have to do the pregnancy thing all over again, with the back and rib pain, roids and indigestion. All the annoying things I was so happy to have behind me were here all over again. But with every surprise life throws you, there is still so much good to overcome it. Like the fact that I’m hella fertile, and Rob is super hyper, if ya know what I mean. Obviously the romance is still there ;) And there must be a reason God keeps blessing us, as we seem to take on parenting in an optimistic way and do a great job of loving the crap out of our babies so, really, what’s one more? Nothing but bring more love into this house and more memories to make. And also, it’s another BOY, so now I feel warm in my heart knowing we’ll have a little brotherhood within our house. Boys for life! And for me, I’m eating everything in sight. Mainly peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches and chocolate ice-cream … And occasionally something healthy because my doctor says my iron is low. I guess I don’t gain a lot from French toast and pizza as I would some leafy greens and red meat. But hey, this isn’t my first rodeo. I try to cover all the basics the best I can. Last thing, we’ve picked a name already and I can’t wait to see him and share it out with the masses. 10 weeks to go, a lot more growing to do (ugh) and a lot still to prep the meantime I’ll be enjoying his little kicks and bops, and obsessing over his ultrasound pictures.
P.S. I’m convinced that gel manicures make everything better. There is nothing I can’t conquer in life or in a week without one. Sounds silly but it’s true for me for some reason. I should really be saving for Paris or Ireland or these kids’ college funds, but for some reason a gel mani is what I need to get through the pregnancy ups and downs. And maybe my monthly Birchbox ;) who’s with me?!
1 Comment
Cheryl you look great! Can’t wait to see what this little boy is going to look like!