Last week I stopped into DIG Gardens, sort of on a whim as I was driving by, and am so glad I did. Everyone talks about DIG gardens here in Santa Cruz. It’s the place for succulents, gardening workshops and other patio decor. They offer great classes for succulent frames {like the one I did}, wreaths, orbs and more — would love to take one!
As I was perusing around, I came across their DIY terrarium station, where you can create your own bubble terrarium {also called an air plant?}. These little planters are great for your kitchen or bathroom windows. So adorable, and so easy to create and care for {you water sparingly with a spray bottle}. I picked out a shape and some epiphyte and started thinking about what else I wanted to add to it. When I got home I completed it with some sea shells and sand from our beach, and boom — a bubble terrarium for our kitchen window {that I already love so much}!
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