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Family, Friends, Jace, Projects

Jace’s california pineapple birthday party

Jace’s first birthday was an absolute hit. I planned a very colorful and fruity birthday for our little pineapple. Even the weather felt tropical with the rain and warm temperatures. I’ll let the pictures say the rest! A big thanks to all of our friends and family for celebrating this special day with us. Such a blast. And Mr. Jace was the happiest, cake-eating, attention-loving little 1 year old ever. Such a ham. I must say, I had so much fun planning this party; more fun than any other. Especially the little goodie bags for the kids. We love you Jace. You’re the light in our life.

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IMG_8653 IMG_8657 IMG_8649 IMG_8651 IMG_8666 IMG_8668A HUGE thanks to Heather for taking all of these pictures and for the beautiful album to put all of our mini polaroids in. Isn’t her handwriting and sketching skills absolutely amazing?!! She is seriously the coolest person.

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Party details:
Jace Turns 1 pineapple tattoos
DIY Pinata
Fruit garland
Pineapple flowers on cupcakes
Pineapple cups
Pineapple sangria
BBQ pulled pork sliders
Pineapple album, including calligraphy

Party favors:


My sister to the rescue

It was one of those days. A long one and I was on the verge of tears. I’m currently trying to ween Jace off the bottle (which he hates) and he was getting sick (or maybe teething, who knows), so after a crazy day of driving around, late napping, crying, clinging to my legs, lunches & snacks, stroller rides, music and stair climbing, I was about to just let him cry in the middle of the kitchen.  I was spent. Thankfully my sister came over for dinner. Sister to the rescue. She played with him, distracted him while I got dinner ready. I was also able to clean, put the toys away and get his bedtime routine in order. I was so thankful for my sister in that moment, to love Jace so much and occupy him while I had a little bit of sanity.  How nice to have family around to give your son lovies so you can take a breather. I love you, Pam. Thank you. I’m so lucky to have you as my sister.

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Family, Friends, Holidays, Santa Cruz

Celebrating Christmas and our holiday in Arizona

Christmas came and went faster than ever this year. We just got home from our trip to see family and friends in Arizona and are pretty dazed. If that’s a word. We’re pooped. Between the holiday shopping and travel and work schedules, we did our best to do a few things to keep the spirit of Christmas glowing in our hearts.  I didn’t do half as much as I wanted to, like watch Hook, finish David Sedaris’ Holidays on Ice, make Jace’s first year ornament, decorate a Gingerbread house out of berries, etc., etc. My Christmas cards were rushed {but fairly clever!} — my gifts were last minute {literally day-of sometimes} — my flight was almost missed — my luggage delayed — my hair a mess. It was a scrambling, rushed holiday. I obviously over did it. And to my dismay, I caught a nasty stomach virus over the holiday, and then gave it to everyone around me, including little Jace. On the bright side, we were spoiled with love from our family and friends and that alone made up for all the hustle and bustle and sicknesses and stress. It’s really the best time of the year and there is so much to celebrate – the birth of Jesus, the Christ and the promise of grace and hope forever more. So, what am I complaining about, right? Right. Here are the fews things we DID do to celebrate here in Cali and in Arizona: 

One of our little Christmas outings was to the lighted boat parade in Santa Cruz at the harbor with some good friends. It was so much fun. Love the smell of that ocean!

We had some friends and family pass through. Surprise visitors are the best. Jace loves Krista & Gus! ;)

Rob enjoyed his seasonal beers ;) 

And little boy had his first ear infection early in December and did a lot of face-down, butt in the air motions. I think it helped his head.
Holiday work part-ay!! Full of food, sushi, games and the money tree! 

My Dad and Jace waiting with me at the Phoenix airport for my luggage that didn’t make it on my flight. 3 hours later :( Thank God for Starbucks. 

Oregano’s to the rescue, after a long travel day. 

My little reindeer xoxo…

Christmas Eve with the Johannes. I truly love it when our families come together to eat and exchange stories and gifts. So heartwarming to see Jace among all of his Grandpas, Grandmas, Great-Grandmas, and Uncles & Aunts. And our holiday specs were so rad. 

Christmas #2 in Cottonwood with Rob’s Mom, step-father and Tay & Ri. We made gingerbread houses, ate a ton of great food and strolled through Jerome before heading back to Phoenix. Such a nice visit and so comfy, too! 

Biggest coffee cup ever! Thanks Tayler. 

Miss Tayler made us the most thoughtful scrapbook of Jace’s first year. I can’t even imagine how many hours she must have spent on it. It’s beautiful. In it is this quote about family and it couldn’t be more perfect:

“Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future” – Gail Lumet Buckley

Thanks, Tayler. we love you so much. 
Family, Holidays

It’s Christmas!

We thank God for the birth of his son, Jesus, on this special day. And for the birth {in February} of our little boy! Wishing you all a merry Christmas, filled with hope, forgiveness and more than anything, love
Family, Portland, Travel, Washington

Our weekend in Washington

The three of us just got back from a long weekend in Washington to see our extended family. A trip was long overdue and what a great time we had. Jace was an all-star, all around. He traveled very well and even slept on the plane. Up until the pressure got to his ears on the way down. Now that he is mobile, it’s hard for any of us to sit still it seems like. He’s wanting to crawl everywhere, put everything in his mouth and babble non-stop. And socks for babies are really useless if you ask me. They don’t stay on and I can never keep a match to one. Jenny McCarthy was so right.

A majority of the time I didn’t have service, and I forgot my Canon {plus, I’m finding it more and more difficult to take pictures when I’m chasing my speed-crawler around}, so here were the shots I DID take. So many special moments and even an encounter with the horses! It was so heart-warming to be around family this time of year. Jace loved all the cuddles from his aunts and uncles and cousins, and especially his Great-Boompa. We got so much conversation in and laughs. This is a trip I know we’ll remember forever. It rained almost every day, all day, but we didn’t mind. We loved waking up to thunder, a warm fire and hot coffee. Grandma made Mexican Hot Chocolate for us one afternoon and it was the most perfect treat. We even had a big, pre-Thanksgiving feast together. After, we talked into the night, looking at pictures and cracking up about past times by the fire. It couldn’t have been more picture perfect {without the pictures, oops}.
One of Rob’s cousins got married in Mukilteo; the ceremony was absolutley beautiful. Ben Folds’ The Luckiest played, pasta bar for dinner, a cupcake tower, jam party favors, and an awesome DJ to take us into the night. Even Jace danced with us into the late hours. We were so happy to be part of Jessica and Matthew’s special day. As the years go by, you realize how important family is and how precious moments like these are, to spend together, watching each other live life and begin new adventures. And I must say – marriage is the best adventure of them all! I couldn’t be happier for the newlyweds! Overall amazing trip. We miss everyone so much, but feel blessed that we got to spend so much quality time with them. Looking forward to more cousin’s weddings and trips to Washington in the near future!
 {Jace couldn’t keep his hands off Miss Lucy}
 {one of these days I’ll find shoes that stay on Jace}
{this guy would not sit still. I barely got a good photo with him!}
 {the view from the party. The rain cleared just in time.}
{Jace is really into open-mouth, tongue out kisses. Watch out xxx}
 {4 generations}
 {all the cousins with the bride!}
{On our last day, his Grandparents scheduled us some formal portraits, including some of this snowman.}
{They also stopped at VooDoo donuts with us on our way out of Portland. The bubble gum was amazing.}