It was one of those days. A long one and I was on the verge of tears. I’m currently trying to ween Jace off the bottle (which he hates) and he was getting sick (or maybe teething, who knows), so after a crazy day of driving around, late napping, crying, clinging to my legs, lunches & snacks, stroller rides, music and stair climbing, I was about to just let him cry in the middle of the kitchen. I was spent. Thankfully my sister came over for dinner. Sister to the rescue. She played with him, distracted him while I got dinner ready. I was also able to clean, put the toys away and get his bedtime routine in order. I was so thankful for my sister in that moment, to love Jace so much and occupy him while I had a little bit of sanity. How nice to have family around to give your son lovies so you can take a breather. I love you, Pam. Thank you. I’m so lucky to have you as my sister.
1 Comment
Aww..thanks for the sweet post Cher!! I’m overjoyed that I can stop over whenever now :) I’m always here for you – you know that. xo