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Easter Sunday

This Easter we took our time waking up. We gave Jace his little basket, had breakfast and then got the bikes out to go downtown for a 2nd breakfast at Lolo’s. Little boy was more interested in the paper grass than his little goodies. He had so much fun on the bike ride that he fell asleep sitting up on the way back, ha. We saved the rest of the day for meeting up with family. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. It’s such a special day and we took many moments to think of God and the rising of his son.

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Holidays, Jace

Jace on Christmas morning

This little boy had a wonderful Christmas morning. He woke up in the best mood, ready to play. Before we started opening gifts he had a blow-out. Thank heaven I had a “back-up” Christmas pajama outfit for him to wear, ha. I’m very proud of our gift this year for Jace’s first Christmas. Knowing that he’s more into music than anything else, I found a little tambourine in the $1 racks at Target and he got the biggest kick out of it. Score! I feel so blessed that we were able to celebrate Christmas with my parents and wake up and carry on the tradition with Jace. It will definitely be a Christmas we’ll remember forever.

After he played with the tambourine, he then went on to play with Daddy’s new underwear, ignoring all of his other gifts, lol!
Family, Friends, Holidays, Santa Cruz

Celebrating Christmas and our holiday in Arizona

Christmas came and went faster than ever this year. We just got home from our trip to see family and friends in Arizona and are pretty dazed. If that’s a word. We’re pooped. Between the holiday shopping and travel and work schedules, we did our best to do a few things to keep the spirit of Christmas glowing in our hearts.  I didn’t do half as much as I wanted to, like watch Hook, finish David Sedaris’ Holidays on Ice, make Jace’s first year ornament, decorate a Gingerbread house out of berries, etc., etc. My Christmas cards were rushed {but fairly clever!} — my gifts were last minute {literally day-of sometimes} — my flight was almost missed — my luggage delayed — my hair a mess. It was a scrambling, rushed holiday. I obviously over did it. And to my dismay, I caught a nasty stomach virus over the holiday, and then gave it to everyone around me, including little Jace. On the bright side, we were spoiled with love from our family and friends and that alone made up for all the hustle and bustle and sicknesses and stress. It’s really the best time of the year and there is so much to celebrate – the birth of Jesus, the Christ and the promise of grace and hope forever more. So, what am I complaining about, right? Right. Here are the fews things we DID do to celebrate here in Cali and in Arizona: 

One of our little Christmas outings was to the lighted boat parade in Santa Cruz at the harbor with some good friends. It was so much fun. Love the smell of that ocean!

We had some friends and family pass through. Surprise visitors are the best. Jace loves Krista & Gus! ;)

Rob enjoyed his seasonal beers ;) 

And little boy had his first ear infection early in December and did a lot of face-down, butt in the air motions. I think it helped his head.
Holiday work part-ay!! Full of food, sushi, games and the money tree! 

My Dad and Jace waiting with me at the Phoenix airport for my luggage that didn’t make it on my flight. 3 hours later :( Thank God for Starbucks. 

Oregano’s to the rescue, after a long travel day. 

My little reindeer xoxo…

Christmas Eve with the Johannes. I truly love it when our families come together to eat and exchange stories and gifts. So heartwarming to see Jace among all of his Grandpas, Grandmas, Great-Grandmas, and Uncles & Aunts. And our holiday specs were so rad. 

Christmas #2 in Cottonwood with Rob’s Mom, step-father and Tay & Ri. We made gingerbread houses, ate a ton of great food and strolled through Jerome before heading back to Phoenix. Such a nice visit and so comfy, too! 

Biggest coffee cup ever! Thanks Tayler. 

Miss Tayler made us the most thoughtful scrapbook of Jace’s first year. I can’t even imagine how many hours she must have spent on it. It’s beautiful. In it is this quote about family and it couldn’t be more perfect:

“Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future” – Gail Lumet Buckley

Thanks, Tayler. we love you so much. 
Family, Holidays

It’s Christmas!

We thank God for the birth of his son, Jesus, on this special day. And for the birth {in February} of our little boy! Wishing you all a merry Christmas, filled with hope, forgiveness and more than anything, love
Bonny Doon, Holidays

Christmas tree farm – year 3


This year marks the third year to the Christmas tree farm up in Bonny Doon {omg, we’ve been here almost 3 years?!}, but this time we brought Jace face {duh}! It’s not like we’d leave our child at home for a tradition like this, lol. Last year I promised myself I would go for the beachy tree this year {its bristles look like pieces of coral!}. Of course Rob didn’t want to go for the sea foam color so we found a greener one with the same unique bristles and called it even. And I’m so glad we did. It smells so good and up in our living room, it’s like we’re living in a Dr. Seuss book. The branches and bristles at the top wisp out like feathers. The texture is beautiful and after two weeks this tree still smells amazing. Thank God we haven’t had any visitors staying over at our house, or else they’d be sleeping right next to it, ha. It’s a little overpowering. Maybe I should have asked what kind of tree it actually is. Next year I guess ;) See past year’s Christmas tree farm adventures here and here. Again, real trees are the way to go. Hope you all had fun picking out yours this holiday season.

{little boy sure likes his cuties.}
{there she is!}


{my kisses aren’t amusing to Jace, obviously.}



{Jace hated the hat, can you tell? But no matter, I strapped that thing on him to keep his little ears warm.}