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Life is too short to be busy

I read this post {House in the Hills, you are darling!} and then this article by Tim Kreider, and it really gave me some extra assurance in our decision to move to California. To disconnect to reconnect. To enjoy a weekend without one thing to do. I can finally say that I’m NOT busy, whatsoever.

If anything, I’m aspiring to be more lazy-ambitious like Tim Kreider. To watch more movies. Take longer walks. Shop more for friends. Take more bubble baths. Experiment with red lipstick. Actually frame something more than our ‘We’ve Moved’ postcard. Plan our next trip to Europe. Surprise Rob more. Read for an entire afternoon. To go to bed while it’s still light out. Leave work at work. Chat longer with girlfriends. Allow myself to be utterly bored and enjoy every minute of every day. To take back the feeling of childhood where minutes felt like hours and days like weeks.

If you’re struggling with work or your busy social life, I strongly urge you to read the above posts and see how you feel after. See if you ever leave any time for YOU.

What do you like to do when you’re feeling absolutely bored? Us? We play scrabble {and watch Downton Abbey}… ;)

Cheryl, Life, Rob

50 things

I saw this post by Rockstar Diaries and thought it was the cutest idea. In case you don’t know a lot about us, here are 50 things to catch you up to speed:
  1. She grew up in Michigan, he in Washington state.
  2. We met in high school in Mesa, Arizona.
  3. She stalked him and left mystery notes on his door step.
  4. He asked her to be his girlfriend by holding hands with her.
  5. He said “I love you” first.
  6. We both played high school basketball and track.
  7. He was voted best dressed in high school.
  8. She drove him around for a year until he got his license.
  9. He idolizes Michael Jordan; she idolizes Reba.
  10. She went to Arizona State University & worked at the bookstore.
  11. He found her her first apartment.
  12. He surprised her with Lucy on Christmas.
  13. She loves scary movies but closes her eyes the whole time.
  14. He introduced her to crab, mushrooms, tomatoes and mustard.
  15. She introduced him to techno music, pasta nights and Einstein’s Bagels.
  16. Our favorite date night is dinner on the couch & Friends on DVD.
  17. This song reminds her of him. This one reminds him of her.
  18. He proposed on Coronado Island at sunset and she said yes.
  19. We postponed and got engaged again with friends at a lake house.
  20. We got married in Phoenix in March 2008 and mini-mooned to San Fran.
  21. She was giddy at the altar and couldn’t wait for the kiss part.
  22. Every day life is what we love most about being together.
  23. She always forgets to put deodorant on.
  24. He pursues acting in his free time.
  25. He once broke his sister’s arm throwing her around for fun.
  26. We went to Italy & Greece for our 10-year anniversary.
  27. She walks in her sleep and he talks in his sleep.
  28. She doesn’t like to cry in front of people, but always cries at the meadow scene in Pride & Prejudice.
  29. Her favorite book series is a tie between The Hunger Games & Harry Potter.
  30. He auditioned for American Idol.
  31. We started a pet-sitting business in 2010 and Gus was one of our first clients.
  32. He has a pretty good model pose.
  33. She loves to dance, and so does he. He often has dance-offs with random people.
  34. She likes to overeat, especially if pasta is involved.
  35. He eats everything except for cottage cheese.
  36. We fight. But, we can’t stay mad at each other for long.
  37. He used to have a bowl cut as a little boy, and she looked liked a little boy when she was a little girl.
  38. She likes a clean car on Mondays.
  39. She bought him Tacoma and it’s so his dog.
  40. He loves failed blogs and videos.
  41. Her favorite movie: Pride & Prejudice; his favorite movie: Oceans 11,12 & 13
  42. Our friends mean the world to us.
  43. He has lost 7 wedding rings.
  44. We love to eat in the car.
  45. Laughter is his purpose in life.
  46. If she wasn’t in marketing, she’d be studying volcanoes {maybe}. If he wasn’t in sales/education, he’d be an NBA player.
  47. He loves attention but HATES crowds.
  48. Our families rock.
  49. He once waited in line at a Stephenie Meyer book signing for her.
  50. We are best friends.

For me, one of the best moments with Rob was the week we moved in together after our wedding {above is right before he carried me through the front door}. We came home from our mini-moon, opened all of our wedding gifts, ate wedding cake… and from that moment on it was us. Every day, every night. It’s all I ever wanted.

To be continued…


Calla lilies

It’s crazy to see these growing in our backyard when I’ve only seen them used in weddings!

Now only if I had peonies, roses and sweet peas would my life be complete. ;) One day!

Lately, Life, Santa Cruz

Living in Central Cal

Now that we’ve been here a few weeks, I’ve quickly adapted to life living on the central coast, where there is weather, trees and endless ocean air.

Here are just a few things I’ve recently learned:

  • When taking clothes out of the closet, shake violently in case of spiders. This also applies to shoes, sheets, blankets, and towels.
  • At stop signs it helps to signal.
  • When reversing, you should always look behind you.
  • With the rain come ants.
  • Just because it’s sunny doesn’t mean it’s warm.
  • Always wear a beanie when running on the beach, or your ears will freeze off.
  • If it smells like skunk in the house, it’s just Tacoma.
  • When in doubt, leave the insect alone.
  • Stop and smell the roses, literally.
  • Toms and sandals are not good shoes to wear in the rain.
  • If you leave your sun roof open in your car, a raccoon WILL hang out in your car all night.
  • The beach is amazing, but not when you have to constantly sweep it up in your house.
  • The farmer’s market might be my favorite part of the weekend.
  • And last but not least, breathing in the ocean air every day really does make you happier. And I’m convinced that’s why everyone here are so incredibly friendly – because they’re all very happy!

Happy weekend!


Better late than never

Happy anniversary honey! We have yet to celebrate our 4-year anniversary, but no worries. When things slow down we plan to very soon! After all these years I am still incredibly in love. Even looking at him today and seeing him smile at me reminds me how kind Rob is, how compassionate. I look forward to every new day with him. He inspires me to be a better wife, a better person. I love you Rob. Thanks for making life and the little moments so enjoyable.