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Date Night, Sedona

A day in sedona

IMG_6158Now for our day in Sedona! Our day together started around 1pm on that Saturday (after we had napped in the car for 45 minutes with the air conditioning on full blast, hahahaha). Temp was about 94 .. sun was blazing.  I had read about some good trails from the girls over at Traveling Gold and thought that the Soldier’s Pass Trail / Brim Mesa Trail loop would be our best bet for scenery, plus it was “moderate”. However, we only made it about a mile in before feeling too overheated. Yeah, hiking in Sedona in July is not ideal. What were we thinking?! And this trail had so many weird twists and turns. Pretty sure we would have got lost if we would have kept on going.

IMG_6154 IMG_6157IMG_6159Next stop was somewhere to cool off!! I knew of a little place creekside we could go to, right downtown. L’Auberge de Sedona is an amazingly beautiful resort/spa, but what’s nice is you don’t have to be a guest to visit their creekside restaurant or take advantage of the complimentary valet. Right between lunch and dinner,  as they set-up for the evening rush, they open up their terrace for refreshing drinks and cheese plates creekside. You can step into the creek, sit along side it in one of their cushiony patio chairs or just lay under the trees. It was the most perfect place to cool down. We ordered a couple of cold drinks, played in the water and just enjoyed the afternoon. Perfect place to take a book, listen to the creek and eat a lot of cheese.

IMG_6173 IMG_6174IMG_6165IMG_6166IMG_6170IMG_0480IMG_0489Last stop of our day date was dinner (duh!) – can’t go on a date without eating for most of it! I’d eaten at Elote Cafe before, and knew it would be a win for dinner. We got there before the rush and snagged a seat on the patio. I didn’t care how warm it was outside, I wanted to enjoy the view. And they had misters so it was a no-brainer (we all know how much I love misters ;)). I ordered the blood orange margarita and mole chicken enchiladas and Rob the carne asada. They home make their guacamole (amaaaazing) and vanilla bean ice-cream, all the way down to the caramel sauce! We ate so much we were in pain, haha. I literally almost fell asleep at the table (see picture below). Thankfully we went out to our car after, turned the air conditioning on high and took another nap lol .. BTW, I realized all this napping in the car, in the middle of the day with the air conditioning on full blast is not good for your car battery. It totally died on us the next day, trying to get back into Phoenix. All in all, it was a wonderful day date together. I always appreciate our little getaways and time to reconnect. As parents we’re finding how important it is to schedule dedicated time together, just us!

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Date Night, Marriage, Sedona

A drive to remember

IMG_6195We just got home from a weekend in Cottonwood. It was one of the most tiring weekends ever for some reason. Don’t get me wrong, it was a wonderful weekend, just a lot of things to make us here parents tired. The minute we got to Cottonwood, our family took over (I love you all so much!) and let us escape to Sedona for the day. I’ll post more about that later, but the moment in this exact picture delighted my soul. Sedona was breathtaking, all day. Even in the 90s, the landscape was alive. So lush and green. I forgot how colorful the Sedona mountain ranges are. Driving back from our day together, looking over the yellow fields and ponds, watching the sun set behind the mountains as we made the 30 minute drive back to Cottonwood, was really special. In that moment I was so thankful for the hidden treasures of Arizona and for my life. For health and for all the goodness in people. I had the windows down, my arm on the window sill, the sun on my face. We drove that freeway in complete, beautiful silence, with such a common peace between us. It was like our souls were floating together in that drive. I know that sounds ridiculously corny, but it’s these moments I will remember forever. A day getaway together in the Arizona desert sun, just enjoying each other’s company and the splendor around us.

Friends, Sedona, Travel

Girls Weekend in Sedona

TravelZoo had a great deal for a one-night stay at the Sedona Rouge, so myself and 3 other girls took advantage! Here was our agenda for the 2 days:

Saturday – Arrival, poolside with Skinny Girl Margaritas, hour-long massages, jacuzzi and dinner at Elote Cafe:

The dresser in the room was to die for. I wanted to take it home!

Sunday – “JOY”oga, breakfast at the resort and then downtown Sedona for fudge, ice-cream and Body Bliss.

I had one of the best breakfasts I’ve ever had – corn-flake, cinnamon french toast with strawberries (and lots of syrup)!

These are the lovely ladies I went with:

This is Jen. She is so much fun! I absolutely love her laugh and personality. What brings Jen joy? I’d say her booming make-up business!

This is Beth. I really enjoyed getting to know her more and admire her clever sense of humor. What brings Beth joy? I’m going to say her sweet daughter, Baylor! (p.s. I would kill for her house.)

And this was our organizer for the trip, my wonderful friend, Kristin. She is so special to me! I cherish our friendship and am guaranteed happiness whenever I’m around her. What brings her joy? Creativity, details and party planning! Hint, hint – her blog and business are soon going to be up and running. So excited for her!

I had such a nice time in Sedona – a girls’ weekend was much needed. But, it was far too short!