It’s been quite the challenge for us to get Jace face to eat vegetables. We’ve tried mixing broccoli with his mac & cheese, cooked carrots as a side, green bean casserole .. Lately we’ve been making smoothies with kale, just so he gets some greens. Recently, we were feasting on our favorite salmon dinner, with an avocado side salad and seasoned asparagus. For a laugh, we gave Jace a stick and to our surprise he chomped through the whole thing. Then he grabbed another. And another. And another. He even smiled at one point! I thought at first, it must feel nice on his 4th tooth coming in on the bottom, or maybe it’s because of the lemon juice on it. All I know is he couldn’t stop eating it. He ate almost as much as I did! And boy, did his diaper smell the next morning! hahahahahaha Heck, it was worth it! Good eating little boy!
1 Comment
Jace your SO handsome!!!!