Now that the weather has finally cooled down, I’ve been on a running kick. Running is the best in Arizona when it hits the 70s. I haven’t ran this much in A WHILE, and my calves are in pain.
I’ve been having the itch to shop lately, too. Which isn’t good or smart, with Christmas right around the corner. Although, I HAVE started Christmas shopping!
Some of my splurges include:
These adorable bowls that I picked up at the Sweet Salvage Holiday Antique Boutique in Phoenix. They’re a grey/white color, which is perfect since I love grey.
Western looks. Found this skirt and these earrings at Francesca’s on the sale rack.
Classes at Ballet Fusion. Bought 5 classes for $10 off Living Social and can’t wait to try it out!
p.s. I have a little over a month to get my 12 before 2012 done. AGH!!!!!!!! I’ll have lots of posts coming up on my progress. Stay tuned…
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