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Must-haves for life with baby 6-12 months


Well, life with baby from 6-12 months was pretty flippin’ awesome. It definitely brought on its challenges though, like teething, eating, and colds, so we quickly got into a habit of having our go-tos near us at all times.

From left to right . .

Perfecting sleep:

1. Crane humidifier. We actually invested in this late in the game, but once we did, it made Jace’s sleeping habits even that much better. If you haven’t already registered for a humidifer, you need to. Get it as early on as possible. Helps when they get little baby colds, too.

2. Night light. We loved these little woodland creature night lights — just enough glow to make him feel safe. You might want a few of these little critters though.

3. Bedtime reading. For us, it was Good Night Moon and Aloha Honu on disc (Also, Lullaby and Goodnight and On The Night You Were Born, such sweet books!). Aloha Honu will crack you up, especially when one of the water colorings are of two sea turtles mating, but the music is relaxing and the children’s voices somehow soothing. We had the book on DVD, but I’m sure you could buy the CD of the music or stories . . or the actual book.

4. A soft security blanket. Jace is obsessed with his monkey blanket. Sleeps better with, won’t leave without it, has to know where it’s at, loves to chew on it, loves to snuggle in. It’s his best friend. Which reminds me, I need to buy a back-up of it online somewhere.

5. Huggies OverNites. The best diaper to go all night so you’re little one is comfortable and not disturbed by a little wetness.

Colds & Teething:

6. The Honest Co. Organic Breathe Easy chest rub. It’s one of the worst things in life to watch your little baby suffer from a stuffed nose,  to hear them cough and struggle to breathe. This organic chest rub is seriously amazing. Clears and smears, and smells nice. Doesn’t irritate and truly helps baby.

7. Children’s Tylenol. Great for teething babies wanting a little bit of relief, or a fever you want to stabilize. We used it when it was needed. A must have for the medicine cabinet. But, I just read this, so now I’m a little scuurred. Definitely talk to your pediatrician and do your research on what’s recommended to give to your baby for teething, fevers or a cold.

8. Vick’s anal thermometer, the way to a true temperature. Easy to use and very accurate. We pulled this baby out a lot. With Jace getting sick a few times, it was most helpful to manage his temperature without calling our emergency Pediatrician hot line every hour.

9. Iced teething hand. Numbing the gums really helped our little boy. You definitely want to have a few of these clean and on hand, iced up and read for their gums.

10. Chewbeads. Jace LOVED these. I rarely wore it, I just threw at him to chew on. Best gift ever.

Eating & Play:

11, Puffs. ‘Nuff said.

12. This chair made it so we could always eat as a family. Secure and the perfect little seat to fit his cute little body.

13. Mesh pops. Or, whatever they’re called. We wouldn’t leave the house without these, with some fruit packed. You can basically put anything you want in these. But, steer away from blackberries; those suckers stain!

14. Mini basketball hoop. This entertained Jace for HOURS. Literally. Plus, it helps that his mom and dad like to play around with it in his bedroom ;)

15. Talking Tyler. We discovered this app early on with babe, but still use it to this day. He laughs, farts, burps, copies your voice in a helium-infused tone, kicks around a soccer ball, and more. Not very educational, but down right hilarious.

16. XBOX Remote. Of course he didn’t play, but he got so lost in pressing all the buttons! He would focus on what he was pressing, and then keep pressing it.

17. Scout. Another digital friend, yes, but he’s real-life cuddly, and calls Jace by his name, plays songs and bedtime music. He’s a sweet little friend and it’s so easy to go online and customize with your baby’s favorite foods and animals.

About Me

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by this place I like to “Cher Joy”.

A little bit about me. Being happy comes incredibly natural for me, and I’m thankful to God for that. Rainbow, sunshine, a joy to my core you could say. I love life and love documenting all the special moments, and even the hard moments. Because come on, life isn’t sunshine and rainbows every day. But it sure is worth living. Or at least that’s what I think. By day I’m a marketer, by any other time of the day I’m the proud momma of three boys: Jace, Walker and Callen. Me and my husband live in Scottsdale and are still choosing love and each other, even after almost 20 years. Here are 50 more things about us.

Family, Friends, Holidays, Santa Cruz

Celebrating Christmas and our holiday in Arizona

Christmas came and went faster than ever this year. We just got home from our trip to see family and friends in Arizona and are pretty dazed. If that’s a word. We’re pooped. Between the holiday shopping and travel and work schedules, we did our best to do a few things to keep the spirit of Christmas glowing in our hearts.  I didn’t do half as much as I wanted to, like watch Hook, finish David Sedaris’ Holidays on Ice, make Jace’s first year ornament, decorate a Gingerbread house out of berries, etc., etc. My Christmas cards were rushed {but fairly clever!} — my gifts were last minute {literally day-of sometimes} — my flight was almost missed — my luggage delayed — my hair a mess. It was a scrambling, rushed holiday. I obviously over did it. And to my dismay, I caught a nasty stomach virus over the holiday, and then gave it to everyone around me, including little Jace. On the bright side, we were spoiled with love from our family and friends and that alone made up for all the hustle and bustle and sicknesses and stress. It’s really the best time of the year and there is so much to celebrate – the birth of Jesus, the Christ and the promise of grace and hope forever more. So, what am I complaining about, right? Right. Here are the fews things we DID do to celebrate here in Cali and in Arizona: 

One of our little Christmas outings was to the lighted boat parade in Santa Cruz at the harbor with some good friends. It was so much fun. Love the smell of that ocean!

We had some friends and family pass through. Surprise visitors are the best. Jace loves Krista & Gus! ;)

Rob enjoyed his seasonal beers ;) 

And little boy had his first ear infection early in December and did a lot of face-down, butt in the air motions. I think it helped his head.
Holiday work part-ay!! Full of food, sushi, games and the money tree! 

My Dad and Jace waiting with me at the Phoenix airport for my luggage that didn’t make it on my flight. 3 hours later :( Thank God for Starbucks. 

Oregano’s to the rescue, after a long travel day. 

My little reindeer xoxo…

Christmas Eve with the Johannes. I truly love it when our families come together to eat and exchange stories and gifts. So heartwarming to see Jace among all of his Grandpas, Grandmas, Great-Grandmas, and Uncles & Aunts. And our holiday specs were so rad. 

Christmas #2 in Cottonwood with Rob’s Mom, step-father and Tay & Ri. We made gingerbread houses, ate a ton of great food and strolled through Jerome before heading back to Phoenix. Such a nice visit and so comfy, too! 

Biggest coffee cup ever! Thanks Tayler. 

Miss Tayler made us the most thoughtful scrapbook of Jace’s first year. I can’t even imagine how many hours she must have spent on it. It’s beautiful. In it is this quote about family and it couldn’t be more perfect:

“Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future” – Gail Lumet Buckley

Thanks, Tayler. we love you so much. 
Friends, Guerneville, Russian River Valley, Sonoma

Fall in the Russian River Valley

On a brighter note, I had the most amazing Fall-infused weekend last weekend with my best friend, Heather. Last Saturday morning we started off early, but not before some ocean rolls, peppermint mochas and a quick drive to meet Rob to get my wallet {that I forgot}. Sort of need your ID to drink wine, right? {Oddly enough, I was never carded, now that I think of it. Funny how wrinkles can make you look older;)}. As soon as we got in the car we started blaring the Christmas music. No matter that it was November. It’s already that time of year for us. I put together a slightly flexible itineary for us for our stroll through the Russian River Valley of pinto noirs, chardonnays and sparkling delights. And of course took lots of pictures:


Our first stop was Red Car Wine, voted one of the best Pinot Noirs in West Sonoma. And it didn’t disappoint. The entire flight was incredible. Sonoma definitely has it figured out. Instead of only a flight of 4 tastings in Napa, you get like 8 in Sonoma. {That is said for all the wineries in Sonoma, in case you’re taking notes!} Makes for a lot of wine to drink though. Our curator at Red Car was heart-felt and inviting. The best way to start off our day, really. Their tasting room was so unique. A cozy couch full of printed pillows, fur chairs, handmade jewelry, cool light fixtures – everything. This is one wine club I would consider joining, next to Medlock Ames. If you ever go, definitely try the Roussanne.



Second stop was Dutton Goldfield, right across the way. They had the Zin I’ve been waiting for. Zinfadels don’t usually do it for me, but this one blew my socks off. Immediately bought a bottle. The tasting room was light and open, the charcuterie very tasty — I could eat cheese all day and these cheeses were delectable. We met a new friend, too.



Then things got awesome. At Iron Horse Vineyards. By then, the crowd was getting “bubbly” you could say. Lots of people at this one, and what a gorgeous vineyard and patio tasting bar. Breathtaking view of the fall colors in the vineyard.  By far the best atmosphere of the three. We decided on the sparkly flight and were in bubbly heaven. My favorite was the Rose Brut – I basically threw my debit card at them for 2 bottles for us. Saving it for New Year’s!



{Heather took these gorgeous shots!}


Even if you don’t go up for the wine, you should go to Sonoma in the Fall just to see the colors. Smell the smells. Take in the surroundings. Although I loved the wines we tasted, my favorite part might have been driving to and from everywhere. The vines and fields and farms and trees . . . so beautiful. I also loved our hotel! We found boon hotel+spa on TravelZoo {also read about them in one of my Sunset Mags}.  It was so wonderful catching up with my friend. I could have spent another night up there, exploring Guerneville and talking about anything and everything. Living so close to all this great wine reminds me why I love California so much. Sonoma forever.

Family, Tahoe

Tahoe Gal

One of the little things I planned for us while on the North shore of Tahoe, was a boat ride on Tahoe Gal! It was the most beautiful afternoon for a happy hour cruise.  Little boy did so great, and we all had fun staring out onto the lake.  The pictures will say the rest.

{yeah, yeah, you have big muscles. We get it.}


{jace face!}




{my flinstone feet}