I heard about little Ryan on my Instagram feed. It was a repost from someone I follow and I clicked through to read about this little boy in LA who got hit by a truck running into the street to grab a frisbee and my heart broke. I couldn’t stop tearing up. all. day. His mother is baby boy bakery – a lover of food and love and life, and above all, her little boy. And just like that her little boy was gone. At only 3. I could not imagine what she and her husband are going through right now. To get a phone call about an accident that took your son’s life. Puke. Over the years you hear about horrible accidents that involve young children. On the news, through friends, through Facebook, etc. But for some reason, this one hit me hard. Maybe it’s because I have a son now, a part of me walking around. A little creation I love with all my heart & soul. I don’t know how I would be able to function if something happened to Jace. We said a lot of prayers for this couple this past weekend, and released red balloons on Mother’s Day in honor of little Ryan. I was happy to be a part of this community for Ryan, and hope his parents know how many hearts this little boy has touched. His smile, energy and little face will be remembered always. Love is being outpoured onto this couple from all over. Including this house in Santa Cruz.
Red balloons for ryan
Every day is a gift. Every moment. So, say I love you and enjoy the little things. Every day.
1 Comment
This makes my heart feel so heavy! I saw it on Instagram last week and it made me cry as well. It is especially beautiful to see the internet become like a village community, surrounding the family with love and support in a time of such sadness. Hug Jace for me!! xoxoxo