My 18-year old sister-in-law, Tayler, is getting a tattoo in December. And, I really want to go with her! If an 18-year old can do it, can’t a 28-year old? It makes me a little sick to my stomach to think about, but I’ve always toyed with the idea. It would be great to go through the pain with someone I love.
I know what I want, but I’m not sure yet where to put it and in what font. I went searching for inspiration online for placement ideas.
You’ll notice I’m leaning more towards a wrist or back placement. For the tattoo – I want to spell out “joy”. 3 letters, very small, a good font that will last over the years and not mush together with fading, and just one color – black.
So, are tattoos all that painful? Tayler isn’t even WORRIED about the pain and her tattoo plans are FAR MORE extreme than mine. She’s going upper shoulder blade, with 4 lines of text!
Any advice or placement recommendations for the least amount of pain?
(Image sources: Google)
1 Comment
Go for it! I doubt you will have much pain, since it sounds like it will be small with no shading or color. You know I have tattoos on my feet – and honestly, it does hurt. But it’s over before you know it!