This Thanksgiving we stayed in Santa Cruz and invited Heather over for a FRIENDSgiving. We split up the menu and while the turkey cooked, we pulled out all the Thanksgiving episodes of Friends and watched. Us three are annoyingly obsessed with Friends. We quote it, we live it, we love it {don’t ever try to play us in Friends Scene It, you’d lose}. We even tried to dress the part. We lounged, snacked on some appetizers and enjoyed our Thanksgiving together around the dinner table. Everything was delicious. It was a change to not be around our families for Thanksgiving, but a Friendsgiving was just as wonderful to us this year. And I still got my own helping of candied yams so I was happy.
I think I used every single dish I own, hahahaha. Now, I’m a total pumpkin pie snob, being that it’s my all time favorite pie, and I’m going to brag a little here and say that my first home-made pumpkin pie turned out perfect! I completely surprised myself! Did you try any new recipes this year?
Check Heather’s blog for more Friendsgiving pictures and her pecan pie.
Yes, everything looked delicious and I could almost smell the aroma coming through the photos of your dinner and day together. Thankful that you all are happy and look very content. You all look like your marvelous cook’s and had plenty of food. Kind of look like us and our thanksgiving, plenty to eat and a lot of left overs. Love you both , Mom
Looks like a fun FRIENDSgiving! Annnnd… the deviled eggs looked delish TOO! ;)