Knowing creative people {like Heather and my boss}, brings new things to my attention all the time. New blogs, new weekend projects, new designs, new radio stations, new books. One item that has really struck my fancy is the book, The Artist’s Way — A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, by Julia Cameron. An oldie, but goodie, this book leads you through a comprehensive program to rediscover or connect with the creative energies of the universe – and to help you gain {or re-gain} artistic confidence and productivity. If any of your creative friends are in a funk, give this to give her a *boost*. A nice add-on is a personalized journal for her “Morning Pages” {one of the tasks in the book}. I’m actually going to read this myself! As always, the calligraphy was done by my friend, Heather.
Calligraphy, Giving Joy, Heather Letters
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