Sometimes I feel like the queen of last minute. Or, at least lately I do.
I’ve been late on birthday gifts, bridal shower gifts, housewarming gifts, and so on.
I had a little post bridal shower dinner planned with a girlfriend and hit up Bed, Bath & Beyond the night before. See what I mean?
Well, I went through what was left of their registry and tried to get my creative juices flowing.
So… I came up with this: Breakfast in Bed for the Happy Couple!
It included:
- Breakfast serving tray (Bed, Bath & Beyond – wrapped separately)
- “Breakfast in Bed” Breakfast Blend for Keurig (Bed, Bath & Beyond – they registered for it)
- “Bed & Breakfast” Blueberry Pancake Mix (Home Goods)
- Two Coffee Cups (Home Goods)
- Flower
Maybe it’s been done before, but I was pretty proud of it.
I got to see it in person and it’s soooo cute :)
Super clever!
Y thank you!