12 Dates of Christmas

Christmas “Daddoos”!!

thumb_IMG_7183_1024It’s finally the holiday season!!! And we couldn’t be more ready!!!!  It’s pretty freezing around these parts, even for Arizona. I guess I didn’t remember it ever getting THIS cold before. But nonetheless, we’re embracing it. I thought we’d do something extra special this year to get us in the holiday spirit, and pick up the “12 dates of Christmas” .. but this time include little Jace face. He’s sort of the love of our life so why not include him in our festive date nights?! Our first “date” was putting on (metallic!) temporary tattoos. However, Jace refers to them as “daddoos”. I don’t think he’s conquered his t’s yet, so we’re enjoying how cute he sounds when he tries to say tattoo. Since we’ve applied it, it’s all he can talk about. He shows everyone, including the strangers at the grocery store, and his friends at daycare. It’s also the first thing he says when he wakes up – “DADDOOO”!!!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Nichole December 3, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    I love this!! What a fun family activity!

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