We had more family in the Cruz! Something about this California weather brings the guests, and we were so happy to have them. I didn’t get my camera out nearly enough, but I did bring it out for the Santa Cruz Arboretum, one of our favorite places. After, we toured the UCSC campus, and spent the rest of the day on the beach. Can’t believe my sister- and brother-in-law are so grown-up. When I first met them they were little people — now they’re young adults!
We came across a fence that looked like the fence in Jurassic Park, so my father-in-law thought we should all act like dinosaurs were chasing us. We look pretty scared, don’t we? Well, maybe Randy.
Even Grandma Margie came!! It made my world to have my Grandma here in Santa Cruz. Grandma on vacation is a lot of fun! I also got to spend a lot of time with my step/mother-in-law, who is one of the kindest women I know. Oddly enough, I didn’t get ANY pictures of her! Sad.
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