Well I just got back from the most relaxing weekend ever. At FORD WOOD, my best friend, Heather’s, new home under the redwoods. It’d been a year since I’d been back to Santa Cruz, so I was looking forward to getting back to my roots and catching up with friends. Good friends. Truly the best if you ask me. Heather was the most perfect host. She set up her little guest house for me with fresh sheets, toiletries and flowers, even some water for my bedside. It was my little sanctuary away from home. Here were some of my favorite moments from the weekend . . .
The blooming hydrangeas all over the place!
My daily dose of espresso, sitting at her kitchen table, looking out the window into the trees. So lovely.
Saturday was National Rose Day, so what else do you do but drink Rose! We spent the entire afternoon on her back patio, painting our nails, sipping Rose and talking about everything under the sun (trees). And how’s this for a rose picture? ;)
The view from her kitchen window .. as she made us sweet pork enchiladas! Best. meal. ever. Especially since we load up on the cheese in a fierce way. And also very good for breakfast the next day.
And last but not least, more patio time in the evening. The lights, the sounds, the mosquito sticks ablaze. So nice! I could have stayed out there all night, eating enchiladas and sipping some Iron Horse.
I really felt like I was at a resort in the redwoods, a hidden bed & breakfast only known to me! I slept like a blue bird, as Rob would say, and even got pretty deep into a book! I also signed her cutesy little guestbook.
Heather, thank you for a wonderful weekend. I’m pretty sure I was relaxed because I slept in ’til 11am on Sunday! Ha!
1 Comment
I loved having you here… please come back soon!!