Food, reads

I’m reading “Savor” and it’s wonderful

IMG_5746Since our move, you could say I’ve been a little… overwhelmed.. with life. This city is 10x the pace of Santa Cruz and I know that times as many people. And with a new job, I’m having to put myself out there all over again to make new friends and connections. I’m also having to push myself professionally in ways I’ve never done before. It’s all good though, so I’m trying not to complain. I have a beautiful family and finally a fabulous day care. New restaurants to try, a good fitness routine .. all is OK. I’m just still having a hard time adjusting to life here again. I guess life just feels different and I’m still trying to figure out the “now” and what’s best for us. Trying to find a good balance of down time with Jace and everyone else. A friend of mine recently recommended a book of devotions, called Savor, by Shauna Neiquist — Living Abundantly Where You Are, As You Are. Since starting it a couple weeks ago, I must say, it’s completely changed how I look at things, reminding me to cherish the every day splendors and gifts God provides. And to never forget the power of prayer. This one devotion in particular, titled “This is it”, has particularly stuck with me. I of course can’t share it all, but here is one of the lines: “This pedestrian life is the most precious thing any of us will ever experience.”… Every devotion is the true-to-life, reality of God’s love and this life we are all living. It’s a reminder to focus on the present and savor every disaster, every triumph. It literally brings me to tears every night, and each devotion is only a couple paragraphs! I’m not a crier, but her words reach into my soul, into the whole purpose of living this mortal life. It’s wonderful. And what’s ALSO wonderful are the recipes! Mrs. Neiquist also has recipes sprinkled throughout the book — recipes you can enjoy around the table with your loved ones. I completely share in her love for food and dinner parties. (Shauna, can we be best friends, please?) So, this morning I got up early and made her Baked French Toast for my boys. I was going to start it last night to let the goodness soak into the cinnamon bread overnight but I passed out soon after Jace went to bed, haha. I had to cut the recipe in half, seeing that I wasn’t going to feast with a bigger breakfast party but it still came out just as good. The next time I make it I will probably use less cream cheese, but nonetheless, it was perfect. Not too sweet, not too plain. Just a traditional plate of french toast, with some creamy cream cheese. The syrup on top brings it to life, too. Soooo good!  Once I find some good peaches I want to make her grilled peach and caramel sundae! I would highly recommend this book to anyone wanting a little perspective on life. Beautiful scripture and life moments anyone can relate to. She is a eloquent, spiritual and honest writer. Once I get through this book I may get her other book, Cold Tangerines. Until next time, happy living friends!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Heather June 8, 2015 at 12:06 pm

    I am SO glad you bought that book and are enjoying it so much… it really did sound right up your alley :) And that baked french toast looks amazing!!

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