This Mother’s Day weekend was a total blur. I think there was some wine, some pedis and sleeping in. Unfortunately I came down with a kidney infection, one that put me in the urgent care on Sunday. That was fun. Not. I blame Arizona for making me sweaty and dehydrated. Aside from the back pain and other bodily issues, it was a nice weekend. Being a Mother is such a blessing, such an honor. I love being Jace’s momma. To know that I brought him into this world, carried him, and birthed him. It’s truly a God-given miracle. Creating life is so incredible and now when I see Jace’s face, I see myself. I see a piece of me. Every day I see myself more as a mother. When I comb his hair back, when I wipe his little tush. When I share watermelon slices with him. When I play peek-a-boo and we read books. The little touch of his hand, his belly laughs when I tickle him, his blue eyes, the way he says “uh-oh!”. It makes my heart burst every time. To know him and want to help him learn and explore and play. This motherhood thing is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. At times I’m exhausted, but the minute he hugs me tightly, puts his head between my legs or smiles at me, I’m done. I love watching him figure things out and put two and two together. A little person is in the works, because of me (&Rob). A little soul is learning to hug and embrace and get a rise out of you, to try his limits. I care so much about him and thank God every day that I get to be his little keeper for now. It’s such a huge responsibility and crazy hard sometimes, but I’m going to do my best. His heart is so good already, I feel it. And I am capable of being better, for him.
Here are some pictures from the weekend:)) Spent Saturday with my Mom at Vintage 95 and then to the nail salon for pedicures. Little boy joined us, too and snacked with us.
Sunday I slept in, then we went to Postino’s for brunch, before my back pain kicked in with the kidneys. Then spent some time at the Urgent Care.
Thankfully, the pain went away and I was given some magical antibiotics. We spent the rest of the day with Jace and family, and playing in the grass behind our house, after Jace woke up.
Jace thought it would be fun to run around with rocks. I think he has officially entered toddler-ville. He just loves to live on the wild side. He’d walk straight into the pool if we let him, ha. And dang he runs so fast! Such a little speed demon midget!
Along with my trashy mags and gum, Jace also got me some coupons to redeem later. Pretty cute (good job husband;))
Hope all you mothers out there had a wonderful day. You deserve it.
I love this!! Glad to know you felt better quickly after the IV… kidney infections seriously suck. You need to post where you got your adorable pineapple jumper!!
Cheryl you are a beautiful mommy, I miss you!!!! Glad you are feeling better, looks like you guys had a great time! Love to all. xoxo