{Thinking of boy names = help!}
{Picked the theme for the nursery/baby shower = Woodland Creatures!}
{Tucks. Don’t ask :( }
{Day 1 App. I’m finally documenting my belly and inner thoughts}
{Getting our registry started on MyRegistry.com}
{Ate A LOT of Whoppers this trimester. They’re so amazing}
{Could have ate watermelon for breakfast, lunch & dinner. So delish}
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outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Lol. Stock on tucks for post delivery. Yowzas. On the upside, that was the extent of my recovery!
Our boy name was Deacon :). Can’t wait to hear what you’re thinking and see more pics of your cute bump!
Also, love the woodland theme! So cute!{rtf1ansiansicpg1252
{fonttblf0fnilfcharset0 ArialMT;}
f0fs26 cf2 cb3 expnd0expndtw0kerning0
outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Lol. Stock on tucks for post delivery. Yowzas. On the upside, that was the extent of my recovery!
Our boy name was Deacon :). Can’t wait to hear what you’re thinking and see more pics of your cute bump!
Also, love the woodland theme! So cute!
I just started my third. I was that way about pineapples in my first pregnancy..