Lately, San Juan Bautista

Summer on the central coast

This time of year I’m used to 115 degree weather, a blazing hot vehicle and sweaty desert nights. But living in central Cal is like living in a totally different world. We’re lucky if it gets above 75 degrees in the middle of the day. I still have Arizona blood so I’m chilly up until I fall asleep at night. This is a feeling I’ve never experienced before so I’m going to live it up. I’m going to drink hot coffee in the middle of summer, wear cozy hoodies for as long as I like and blast the heater in the truck.

When it’s not cloudy here in Fogtos {Aptos}, I try to snap some pictures of all the pretty summer blooms around our yard.

In other news, I took a new job with a design agency in San Juan Bautista…. and I’m LOVING it. Not only are the people nice, but the office is bright and girly. I hear that more dead people reside in San Juan Bautista than living people {although I have yet to see a cemetery} – but who I think rules the little town are the chickens and roosters. I love hearing the rooster every morning in the office and think they have such pretty coloring! Look at this cutie:

   {I will own some one day}

Lots of white picket fences and lots of antique shops in San Juan B – including my new favorite – Aggie’s Porch (like my Grandma):

After a productive and breezy day in sunny San Juan Bautista, I head home. I turn on Pistol Annies, put my sunglasses on and gaze over the rolling fields of strawberries and open hillside.

Hope you’ve all been enjoying your summer and are keeping cool!  XOXO
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