I finally compiled all of the video footage from our trip to Santa Cruz for the 4th of July. It was so wonderful going back to our old stomping grounds and seeing all of our friends. New babies, new stories and new experiences for little man. He was so excited to see the beach, it was adorable. He didn’t want to leave that ocean. What I didn’t include in the video was him crying when we took him out of the water, hahahaha. I sure do miss those trees and the smell of the ocean. Miss it so much it hurts. And of course the people. They’re the best part. Love you girls (and guys!) so much. It was truly one of the best 4th of Julys ever.
Family, Holidays, Santa Cruz, Video
1 Comment
Amazing video! Such a great 4th – It will be hard to top. Love you and miss you tons! XOXO