Another year is upon us. Time to reflect and hit the reset button. To start fresh. I’m not sure 2012 will top the year we had in 2011, but we’ll see what God has in store for us.
I don’t want to make resolutions this year, because I tend not to keep them. So, I’m going to call these my aspirations for 2012:
Work out 5 days a week. – It doesn’t have to be a high-impact cardio work-out every day, but something active, even for 20 minutes. Undressed Skeleton has motivated me to eat better, too.
Pray more – I need to work on my relationship with God and devote more of my time to talking to him.
Be more thoughtful – This also entails planning ahead for things. No more last-minute, procrastination for gifts or special moments that need an extra touch of joy. I really want to get a ‘thank you‘ stamp, too.
Blog more – Time to take advantage of the blogosphere and have fun! I’m going to be myself without being afraid and devote time each week to keeping up with my favorite bloggers. I’m going to aspire to post 3-5 times a week. I think more time on Pinterest wouldn’t hurt either ;)
Save money – I have some pretty aggressive goals in life – Ireland, own a home, plant a garden, beach cruiser, Hawaii, road trips, children, decor… all of which require money. So, I need to save and set it up to happen automatically!
Enjoy each day – I need to slow down and find peace in each day. My stress levels get pretty high sometimes and I need to remember to breathe, and enjoy the little things.
Happy New Year friends!!
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