Cher Joy

Cher joy

Happy Sunday friends. Remember Cher Joy? Well, I’m trying to pick it up again and share a little joy from my week. Today is going to be gorgeous and we’re heading out to Wilder Ranch. Maybe a little mani for me, some groceries for the week, prep for more visitors to come this Thursday, a nap with the little boy, walk the dogs, get ready for another week. As I get older I realize how fast life is picking up. A month as an adult flies by. The weeks are soaring. Jace is already almost 7 months. Slow down world. Anyway, here’s what brought me joy last week:



1. The free pancake breakfast after the Race through the Redwoods in Felton.
2. A clear week, with NOTHING on the calendar. So invigorating.
3. Working from home on Thursdays with my Jace. Going great so far.
4. Night time, bath time with Jace face.

Have a great week friends!

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  • Reply Anonymous September 3, 2014 at 6:03 pm

    I LOVE reading your blog and looking at the sweet pictures of your boy! You are a wonderful mom. You get me so excited for the months to come
    -Jessica Kerr

  • Reply Nichole Viles September 4, 2014 at 5:33 pm

    I just love his little facial expressions, they’re so adorable!

    Love to all!

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