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Cher Joy

Cher Joy

Cher joy

Hi friends. It’s an absolutely gorgeous Sunday here in Santa Cruz and we are loving California more than ever. I have a meatloaf in the oven, Miranda Lambert’s new CD on repeat and baby boy is napping. We’ve done absolutely nothing but clean this weekend. Add some yard work, grocery shopping and dog walking, and that pretty much sums up our two days off.  I’m going to a part-time schedule starting this week, so I’m pretty excited {and a little stressed, seeing that this California lifestyle isn’t the cheapest}. You don’t realize where your money goes until you actually sit down and look at your bank statement. That is one thing we’ve always been bad at. Budgeting. We have a serious love for food, and it’s literally breaking us. Today I actually meal planned before we went to the store, and we actually checked out UNDER our spending goal. It was a big success for the Johannes household, ha. I have a lot of catching up to do here and will have some more to post this week. I’m already getting excited for Fall and the trips we have coming up. Some local, some out of state. It’s going to be an exciting few months leading up to . . Christmas! In other news, I’ve also signed up for a Digital Media certificate program at the local community college {graphic design}. One class at a time, and in an area of skill I really want more knowledge around. And soccer picks up again this week. Goodness, why do I do this to myself? hahaha Well, here’s what brought me joy last week, in case you’re at all interested:


1. Jace’s basset hound onesie from our favorite basset hound, Gus {& Sandy}.
2. Reading before bed. This book is serious amazing.
3. Starbucks date with my men.
4. Homemade unsweetened applesauce from our Aunt. So yummy. Now I’m inspired to make apple sauce. How does one do that? . . . Fall project perhaps?

Cher Joy

Cher joy

Happy Sunday friends. Remember Cher Joy? Well, I’m trying to pick it up again and share a little joy from my week. Today is going to be gorgeous and we’re heading out to Wilder Ranch. Maybe a little mani for me, some groceries for the week, prep for more visitors to come this Thursday, a nap with the little boy, walk the dogs, get ready for another week. As I get older I realize how fast life is picking up. A month as an adult flies by. The weeks are soaring. Jace is already almost 7 months. Slow down world. Anyway, here’s what brought me joy last week:



1. The free pancake breakfast after the Race through the Redwoods in Felton.
2. A clear week, with NOTHING on the calendar. So invigorating.
3. Working from home on Thursdays with my Jace. Going great so far.
4. Night time, bath time with Jace face.

Have a great week friends!

Cher Joy

Cher joy

Hi friends! Hope you’re all enjoying the start of Spring in your neck of the woods. It’s absolutely gorgeous here right now, so many different flowers in bloom. The days are the perfect balance of warm and cold. I try to get out with Jace in the stroller to get a little bit of tanning in, since I’m currently the shade of pale white. We had my parents with us last week and saying goodbye wasn’t easy. It was so wonderful having them here. Baby boy got lots of extra kisses and snuggles in! This parenting thing has been quite the adventure so far. Some days are SUPER easy, and I think, “wow, this is a piece of cake, maybe I’ll paint my toenails, read one of the 50 magazines I ordered”. Other days I look like I’m cracked out, crying and a little delusional {picture to come later if I can remember to snap one of myself}. When he screams my stomach gets all in knots. I hate when he gets upset and I don’t know what’s wrong. Usually he’s hungry {he’s now over 12 lbs, jeez!} or what I agree is the “4th trimester” syndrome, his wanting to be cradled in the womb still. But I’m hanging in there and working all the tactics to keep little boy happy, and trying to sleep when he sleeps. Having my parents here to help rock, hold and entertain him while Rob’s at work has been awesome, and so helpful to me. And their company is always nice, too ;) Can’t believe little boy is already 5 weeks old. I’ve been at this parenting thing for 5 weeks?! What?! Still surreal. Well, here were some of the highlights from my week last week:



1. My {posing} parents in the Cruz!
2. Anniversary dinner out with Rob {thanks M&D for babysitting!}. Happy 6 years, love!
3. My Jace burrito.
4. Steak chili from sweet friends {thank you, Lissette & Curtis!}
5. This view, and the smell. Amazing.

Have a wonderful week friends!

Cher Joy, Favorites


If you ever need a pick-me-up or reminder of what life’s all about {and if you’re on Instagram, which I’m sure you are, because who isn’t?!}, visit the hashtag #soincrediblyhappy. There is so much happiness to look at — engagements, places, food, friends, books, husbands, babies, puppies {!}, music . . . the list goes on. There is so much love out there in the world. Reminds me how genuinely good people are. My happiest moment this week was making homemade chicken noodle soup and listening to Kacey Musgraves, while baby boy slept. I’m so beyond blessed and am more motivated than ever to share more love with others, be a better person, a better wife, a better sister, a better friend, a better daughter, a good mom. Just better! So, next time you find yourself so incredibly happy, over anything or anyone . . remember to use the hashtag #soincrediblyhappy. It’s sort of like a special club ;) I’m going to go stare at my son some more now . . . my newest ”happy” place!

{yes, this is what I’m doing at 4am — looking at all these random happy people, hahaha}
Cher Joy

Cher joy

Hi ya there. Happy Sunday! Well, sleep really isn’t fun anymore for me. For reasons I’d rather not talk about. I really wish I could have a cup of strong coffee right now. It’s been a rather lazy weekend for us so far. Went to a breastfeeding workshop yesterday and left feeling a little grossed out. I pray my nipples don’t look like those on the videos we watched. Scareville! As our weekends normally go, we’ve been lounging, eating good food and watching back episodes of Friends and The Office. We’ve got a lot of work to do today in the nursery and also want to check out the Santa Cruz flea market. Hopefully my body’s up for it. Only 2 more weeks ’til go-time {hopefully}. I have lots on my personal and creative to do list this week {and a little bit of regular work}. Plus, I registered for my first Calligraphy class! Just need to get some nibs now {yay!}. Also expanded my podcast stations for some new topics to listen to when I’m killing time before baby comes. Hope you all had a good, productive week. Here’s what brightened my week last week:


1. GIRLS!  Finally.
2. Crab feed in Capitola this week. Delicious.
3. Root beer floats before bed.
4. My woodland creatures baby shower at work {more pics to come!}

Have a great week friends!