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Cher Joy

Activities for Kids, Cher Joy

Cher joy

Happy Sunday friends. Ours is slowly coming to an end. Jace is already asleep and I’m trying to not dread the long week ahead. Today Jace and I went to the Sea Life aquarium in Tempe with our friends Sarah and James (and Anthony) … it’s really not that big of an aquarium, so thank God for the jungle gym after! And Jace made it out just in time before some little girl peed all over in it, hahahaha. In other news, Mr. Jace is our newest helper around the house. He throws his own diapers away, throws trash away, sweeps the floor, feeds the dogs, puts his dirty clothes in the hamper, stacks his books and even helps load the dishwasher (see above!).  He is such a cool kid. Every day he wants to do something we do and usually does. I’m even starting to bring him in the kitchen more to help me mix and bake! Well, as you can probably guess, I’m here to share what brought me joy last week, and since Jace brings joy to my life basically every time I’m around him, I tried to get creative with the joyful moments I found in other parts of my every day:

1. A new planner from my boss. I just recently finished the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and am now incredibly inspired to become more organized and proactive. I even wrote my very own mission statement. Perhaps I’ll share that sometime soon, once I finalize it.


2. Lunch at Federal Pizza with our ad agency.

thumb_IMG_6623_10243. Groceries. Food in my house is the best feeling!


4. Oh, and this new sweater I picked up at H&M today ..


Cher Joy

Cher Joy

Well hi there. Long time no talk (on my part!). I’ve been a little caught up with living life I guess. I can’t believe it’s already mid July. 2015 is well over half done. Crazy. We’ve been living back here for what, 5 months now. Still feels bizarre to me. Like I’m in a third dimension. Can someone please wake me up? I’m really doing my part to make the best of this Arizona summer. I’d dare say I even have my Arizona tan back almost. Lots of pool days and cool drinks. My favorite moment is stepping into my air conditioned house (that I pay a lot to air condition mind you). Feeling the rush of coolness hit my sweaty skin. It’s marvelous. Or, I’ll sit in my car in the parking structure and just put my face up to the air conditioning.  It’s what you do in Arizona this time of year. You appreciate all the air conditioning you can get. I’m praying for some monsoon rain to hit already so I can cool down naturally. Bring the rain Arizona, pleeeease!

In lieu of my absence, I thought I’d jump right back in with what brought me joy last week. A little recap of those moments I hold on to for dear life. In order of the photos below:

1. Running at the track. Brings back lots of late night, date night memories of the early days with Rob. Where we’d run the track, play p-i-m-p (our version of p-i-g) and then go get a cold Gatorade from QT.

2. The pork enchiladas at Gadzooks. Seriously amazing. Plus the slaw. It’s my new found food obsession. And I sort of have a “thing” for enchiladas. A serious love affair. Even ask Heather.

3. Fridays!! Picking up Jace on Fridays is my favorite day of the week. obviously! I play Shots, and we dance (at stop lights of course) and get sillier the closer we get to home.

4. This acai bowl at Thrive. I go for the tropical one, every time. Best thing to eat after a work out.

5. Lazy weekends with my boys, eating cheesy eggs and cuddling on the couch to some Sesame Street.


Cher Joy

Cher Joy

Happy Sunday friends. We’re still getting up around here. Coffees are in hand and we’re mapping out our Sunday. The sun is blaring (when is it not in Arizona?!) and little boy is running around, from toy to toy. He is such a sweetheart. I thought it about time I bring back my ‘Cher Joy’ posts, because it’s so important to reflect on all the good life brings. These last few weeks I’ve found the most joy in hanging out with my boys (of course). Breakfasts  and splash time downtown, playing around the house, an outing to The Perch in Chandler, Jace’s new lawn mower (I’m also on the hunt for a mini vacuum, hahaha. He likes to do busy things around the house) and grocery shopping trips as a family. Oh, the little things are so wonderful and so needed when the week gets taken over by work and traffic and day care and routine. I hope you all have a lovely week.


Cher Joy, Giving Joy, Project, Stationery, Tiny Prints

Cher-ing Joy with Tiny Prints

Tiny Prints recently reached out to me about my Cher Joy series on this here blog. A series I love to keep up with and often roll into my Giving Joy category. We brainstormed together and found the cutest cards to personalize with a little note of joy, actually, one of my favorite quotes about joy of all time.

As soon as I received in the mail, I poured myself some bubbly, sat myself out on the patio and started writing little love notes to my friends. Sealed the envelopes with some washi tape and sent them off to deliver their joy. Have you wrote a friend lately? Try writing a note to someone you’re thinking of. I’m sure it will bring them an ounce of unexpected joy. And, isn’t unexpected joy the best feeling in the world? Go for it,  share some joy.

A special thank you to TinyPrints for the great idea. What a nice, quick way to “cher” a little joy, and for a good price, too. 
Aptos, Cher Joy

Cher joy

I’m at the tail end of my Sunday and feeling exhausted. Oh, I know why. Mr. Jace face. Sleeping in on the weekends doesn’t happen anymore. Even napping is getting rare with Jace, a.k.a. party all day {sleep all night {why am I complaining?}}. Weekends are so wonderful that I end of trying to do too much. And with a baby it makes the weekend all that more exhausting, ha. We have a busy week ahead of us, a lot of client meetings for me, and an anniversary for Rob at work. I head to Arizona to see my family and friends later this week and am super anxious. I can’t wait to pass Jace all around and see friends. Should be a great time. Well, even with little sleep I got {my own fault!}, here’s what brought me joy last week:



1. Late nights in bed together. Me – half reading my new book, half doing my Intro to Digital Media class homework; him – looking for rentals.
2.  My Friday with Jace. I’m officially part-time and Fridays are my new day to stay home {and try not to work, ha}. I only cried twice ;)
3. Rob and I enjoyed a date night at the new Cantine in downtown Aptos to celebrate our 14 yr anniversary! 14 years. Holy crap. 14 years ago he held hands with me on the way to our first class, lacing our fingers a certain way, and asked me to be his girlfriend. He is still that cheesy to this day, which I’m so thankful for.
4. Sunday morning in bed with my boys, not wanting to get out of bed, wishing I could just spend all day in bed. That sky light is great, but sort of the devil at the same time.
Have a wonderful week friends!